I'm techy

I have a lifelong fascination with the technology that drives computers and the Internet, and even moreso, its impact on people in every aspect of our lives. When I understand technology enough to explain it to another person, I feel an immense satisfaction.

I can write

I have always been excellent at phrasing, a quick learner, a fast typer, and able to follow processes, style guides, and checklists. That is why I went to school for a B.S. in Technical Communication and have spent many years doing technical writing.
I have applied my technical writing skills at instructional design, instruction manuals, software documentation, and product marketing projects along the way. Each of these applications has helped me practice a different aspect of communicating technology and made me more effective at tackling my next project.

I can do more than write

My broad skillset that includes programming, image and video editing, and document design has also impacted the quality and type of deliverables I can produce independently or with a team. My passion for information security and open source software also helps me to be a good steward of company resources.

I can hang

Outside of the office, I enjoy art and dance, playing RPG and rogue-like video games, and reading classics, science fiction, current affairs, philosophy, ecology, and technology books.